
Friday 20 July 2012

The Delights of Zaragoza

After nine days in Zaragoza poor old Blighty seems terribly dull, but at least I can entertain myself and watch the ever changing cloudscape.  

Will I ever make a quilt based on this Moorish style brickwork?  Probably not, but at least I have already had the fun of working out how to do it.


  1. found your blog after finding your you tube video on cleaning a vintage sewing machine..i have spent all evening trying to release what I think is the drive shaft on a second hand machine I bought....I have failed so far but tomorrow is another day will kee trying I have used wd 40 to try and release it ....just watching your video now

  2. Hello Artymess, Nice hearing from you, and thank you for signing up as a follower on this blog - only the second!
    Jammed machines can be very frustrating. Usually the problem is caused by sticky dried up residue of old oil, often the result of using low grade oil, eg. 3-in-1, instead of proper sewing machine oil. WD40 needs to be cleaned off afterwards because it too carries the risk of drying and leaving a sticky residue. If you can get in there with a toothbrush give it a good scrubbing with paraffin, and once it is unjammed give it a very generous oiling and turn it like blazes. For unjamming machines Americans keep recommending stuff called Tri-flow to me, which you can find online. It's not cheap, I've never tried it.
    Best of luck with the machine. It took me a fortnight to unjam the stitch length mechanism on one of my Frister and Rossmanns.

  3. Thanks Muv it's great to find someone else who loves sewing machines too I have quite a collection now in various stages of working and my dream is to get them all working .......i love playing around trying to fix them so I was delighted to find your you tube channel and blog my main blog is Artymess ( I have a few posts about my sewing machines i have recently taken 2 of my Singers into an Infant school where I am Artist in Residence and all 360 children had a go was magic .......Lorna

  4. Muv I have released the drive shaft and its whirring away happily have dried it off and put on sewing machine oil ....i managed to do it with a toothbrush .yay thanks for your advice ........Lorna

  5. Lorna - absolutely delighted the toothbrush did the trick.
    I have already had a look at your blog and will be a frequent visitor... taking the machines to an Infants' School sounds a ripping lark.
