
Friday 31 August 2012

Doll Quilts

What is a doll quilt?  Well, it is just a miniature quilt.  Here is the first one I ever made, and you will recognise it as the project I had on the go when I did the demonstration video to show the use of the seam guide.

Until I made one I never saw the point of making a miniature quilt.  Perhaps I had been scarred by my experience in needlework classes at school, where we were expected to make a miniature skirt, complete with darts, zip, waistband, finished seams etc etc.  What a complete waste of time, all that work on a fiddly scale on a skirt designed to fit someone 14 inches tall.  Needless to say I did a total skive on that one.  My time was fully occupied with a Spanish blackwork tablecloth, French verbs and drawing cross-sections of buttercups.

Anyway, I had a whale of a time making this little quilt.  The top was made in dress-weight cotton poplins on the Frister and Rossmann TS, and the quilting and binding was done on the 1927 Singer 99K hand machine.  Once I had finished the binding I was pleased with the passable mitred corners, then looked again at the quilt and saw that all the black around the border made the middle look empty.

The solution was a bit of decoration in the middle, with black ribbon, tiny beads and pearl buttons.  A bit of hand sewing saved the day.

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