
Wednesday 24 October 2012

The Quilting Foot

Often an old Singer machine will have a quilting foot with the attachments, together with a quilting guide. 

Once the foot has been attached to the machine, the rod of the quilting guide can be inserted through the groove at the top part of the foot.

The quilting guide can be inserted from either the right or the left, depending on which way you want it to face.

I have to admit that I have yet to master the use of the quilting foot.  There has been too much rumpling and skidding going on, which may be partly due to the fact that I have only ever tried it out with synthetic wadding.

The other slight problem I have had is that I am used to occasionally letting my finger touch the front part of the foot while I am sewing.  This gives no trouble with a regular foot, but because with the quilting foot there is such a short distance between the front of the foot and the needle, I have had the needle come down on my fingernail a couple of times.  Stupid, I know.  Fortunately I have always had tough fingernails, so the needle has come off worst - just a slight bend making it come bashing down on the side of the foot with my next stitch.


  1. Both of my singers came with this foot, and also my modern one. I have yet to use though :) m.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Aagh Scheong, I hit the wrong button and accidentally deleted your comment!

      Anyway, in answer to your invisible question...

      I really don't rate the quilting foot, and have achieved much better results by increasing the pressure on the presser bar and using the regular hinged foot.
      The old Singer machine manuals usually showed the quilting foot in use, illustrating how the guide should be used - I suggest you rummage through your manuals.

      For quilting alongside a ridge, for example a seam pressed in one direction, or the edge of applique, I used the hinged cording foot.

      The hopping foot is for free motion work, and the only machine I have which I can do this on is the 15K treadle.

      I have a walking foot, which I tried out on the 99K. Hated it, it seemed too modern and flimsy, and you don't get a clear view of the needle because of all the plastic casing in the way. Perhaps I should find a new home for it.

      I think the best approach for a beginner is to do a chequerboard top and do diagonal quilting, as on these two mini quilts:-

      Hope this helps!

      Love, Muv
