
Friday 24 May 2013

First Free Motion Spirals

Work on the bedspread for my daughter has slowed down a bit, probably because it is nearly finished and I am trying to get out and do some gardening when the weather will let me.  I have quilted enough pieces to make a border but haven't sewn them together yet.  These strawberries will be in the border somewhere... am I talking about quilting or gardening??

I ran out of the pink brushed cotton for the backing and have been using pale yellow.  I took the plunge and tried spirals for the first time.  They were easier than I anticipated, so I expect there will be plenty more spirals in future projects.

Linking up again today to Free Motion Friday at Leah Day's blog, so plenty of other blogs to visit to see what everyone is doing!

Welcome to the latest followers, Marcia and Kathleen.  Thank you for joining!


  1. Oooh pretty spirals! Hmm, I'm thinking you might mean strawberries in both the quilt and the garden (maybe in a lovely shortcake too). Enjoy the garden and have a wonderful day.

    1. Did some serious digging today, Laura Jean. The weather has been so bad this year we can plant the spuds really late! Growing strawberries would be wonderful, but we get too much cloud and rain, and the slugs always get to them first.


  2. Those are great spirals - nice job.

  3. I love spirals! Great job and lovely fabric.

  4. I love your blog! So happy I found it. I'm your newest follower! I have yet to master spirals. I should practice them so I can use them in my next block. Love the strawberry fabric!

  5. The spirals look wonderful! They are a favorite of mine.
