
Tuesday 21 May 2013

Hopping Feet and Singer 201s

This is a bit irritating.  I was looking forward to trying out a bit of free motion work on the 201K treadle and found that my hopping foot wasn't compatible.  The lever above the needle clamp stops dead when it reaches the screw on the cylinder that contains the needle bar, so the needle can rise no higher than shown in the picture.  The screw is essential because it fixes on the last but one hook that the thread passes through.

My brother in law looked at this picture and suggested that because the lever doesn't actually need to be so long the end could be sawn off to give it clearance.  He tells me he has the tools if he wants me to do it.  Otherwise, I can get a different type of hopping foot.

Agonising decisions.  

Update - Decision made...

I've had a think and had good look at how much extra lever there is to play with.  When the foot is attached to the 15K and the needle is in the highest position there is a good quarter of an inch spare at the top.  You can guarantee that if we tried cutting the lever to fit the 201K we would shave off a fraction too much.  I am going to get another type of foot for the 201K - could be interesting!


  1. Sawing it off? I think that will be a bit daring, especially if you could use it with another machine. But the decision can be agonizing - you are quite right! m.

  2. I would look for another type of foot for this machine (perhaps a more modern free motion design with a "hook" on the lever), or get another one of these you can modify and dedicate it to this machine. JMHO Have a great day, Muv. Laura Jean

    1. Hello Laura Jean,

      Yes, I'll get another one. What sort though I don't know yet.


  3. Cool! Such neat projects you're into. I heart the vintage things though I would have no clue what to do with it. :)

  4. Hello! I do free-motion work on a 201k and the best hopping foot I have found is a weird one with a large wire loop that sits fairly low; there's a photo of one here: The other one I use is the tiny little Singer darning foot 121094 which is much better with hooped fabric as it takes up less room and is less likely to bump into the hoop. It is adjustable in that it can be heightened or lowered at the presser foot screw so that it can be adjusted to skim across different thicknesses. Hope this helps. :-) xxx

    1. Hello Edsmum,

      Thank you for the link. I will have to look out for one of those feet!

      Love to you and Ed,

  5. My 121094 came with an e-bay lot but my 80251 came from Helen Howes. I think I paid about £7.50 for it. Helen is extremely helpful - in case you haven't discovered her her site is here: She often has items not listed on the website so it's worth giving her a call. She uses a treadle 15k so is very knowledgeable about old machines and their capabilities.

    (Ed says hello. He is five and is currently learning to sew on a handcranked 28k. He loves it!) :-) xxxxxxxx

    1. Hello Edsmum,

      I've been a Helen Howes fan for a long time - there is a link to her site at the bottom of the sidebar. I haven't quite got round to sorting out a hopping foot with her for the 201K - I've been planting spuds and rescuing my poor neglected allotment. Can you send Ed round to help me with the digging?

      Well done Ed! All the best people learn to sew on a 28K hand machine.

