
Thursday 20 June 2013

Lily and Her Quilt

Here is Lily.  You might remember reading about her before - coming to the sewing café to make dresses and also helping me to make a doll quilt.

Last December Lily had her tenth birthday, and I gave her a bundle of fat quarters.  Being a true star quilter in the making, she was in no rush and stashed them away while she thought about what she was going to do with them.  She is also lucky enough to have a lovely neighbour, Sandra, who is a keen quilter, so Lily often diasappears next door for sewing sessions.  With Sandra she worked out this pattern, using the fat quarters and a few other scraps to make the blocks.  Then they took a shopping trip, and Lily chose the strong fuchsia pink for the sashing.

And look at the result - isn't it fabulous!  No wonder Lily is looking so proud, standing on the coffee table and peeping over the top at me.  Just think how excited she will be once it is quilted and bound.

Welcome to the latest follower, Caralynne Viljoen - thank you for joining!  


  1. Dear Muv, It is great to see a young sewers get started and you can see on her face (what you can see of it) Pride. Enclosed also is e mails to a after school club. Which I hoped the manager would have seen the possible benefit to the kids. Her e mail say's it all. Kind regards Duncan
    Hi Duncan!

    At the moment I don't see how we could use them within what we already do other than to raise money. I personally would love one! haha! But not sure if that's what you're offering! I've always always wanted a vintage singer sewing machine! Other than that the only thing I can think of is that you could donate some to us so that we could have an auction and sell them to raise funds for the charity. Other than that possibly setting up some sort of sewing class that people pay to come to and is a fundraiser for the club.

    Let me know what you think,


    Dear K, Good to meet you yesterday. The sewing machines, I do up old machines and give them to Charity's who then send them to Uganda (Katanga Hope for life and Omushana ) I have quite a few left over from the last batch that is on it's way to Uganda. I would be happy to donate some to the club and others could be on a very long term loan. I have 2 treadles and 8 hand machines. All of which I would look after (cleaning, oiling etc). As and when. I would be able to teach the kids or adults on how to use them as they are all a bit different. I have a man who has 2 machines he wont's off his hand's as soon as possible so if you could let me know as this is a bit time sensitive as he say he will just get rid of them. These machines are a lot of fun to use and very gratifying as you get instant results. Hope to hear from you soon. Kind regards Duncan.

    1. Hello Duncan,

      It's a problem sometimes, trying to convince people that vintage sewing machines actually sew, and are so easy to use that even children can do it.

      Lily has the best of both worlds - a 99K at home, and Sandra next door who shows her how to use a modern machine. But it's the imagination and use of colour that comes first...

