
Friday 28 June 2013

Overlapping Binding

Today's job was putting the binding on a miniature quilt.  If the binding has a clean selvage edge on at least one end then there is no need to sew the strips together, they can be overlapped instead. The selvage on the first picture is a bit irregular, but this end will be hidden.

The first strip of binding is sewn on all but for the last three eighths of an inch or so.

The the second strip is put in place ready to sew, with the neat selvage edge lapped underneath the first strip.  The hair grip is holding the second strip steady,

... so it is easy to stitch straight over the overlap.

When the binding is folded over to the other side, it is sewn in the opposite direction, so the second strip is now at the top of the picture.  The first strip is folded underneath the second strip.

As the machine feeds the work through, the overlap has a tendency to pull out of place, so an unpicker is handy for poking the underneath layer back down and holding it flat.

Once the foot has the binding properly held down there is time to get the unpicker out of the way before it reaches the needle.

Here it is, finished.  The overlap is fairly inconspicuous.

Welcome to two new followers today, Ann Bassett and Joe Zuchowicz - thank you for joining!