
Friday 14 June 2013

Treadling a Free Motion Experiment

I have a few strips of this material left over from the backing of the houses quilt, the top of which I made on the Serata treadle.

The printed design is ideal for using as a guide to devise some interesting free motion patterns - lots of flowers and ferns.  The top thread doesn't show up much, especially because I used a variegated thread that blends in well.

On the back, however, the quilting looks rather interesting.  This is the back of the section shown in the first picture.  The fern ended up looking quite graceful.

These flowers are all crammed together in a way I don't think I could have sorted out if I hadn't been following the print.

Over a large area the overall effect really works.

I really wish I could make this type of pattern up on plain material as I went along - perhaps one day I will.  Also, it's a shame I really don't like the shade of green.  It reminds me of our PE knickers at primary school.  Still, you can't be too fussy with practice pieces.  The 15K treadle is performing wonderfully, so I can't complain.

Linking up again to Free Motion Friday at Leah Day's blog so you can find lots more projects to look at.


  1. I'm going to start practicing FMQ on my treadle next month!

    1. Great news, Missy Shay! Just make sure you choose a cool day - it's hot work.


  2. I'm really impressed with your quilting- especially on a treadle. What a good idea to follow the pattern of a print.

    1. Thank you Angela! You must dig out a print and try it - it's great fun.


  3. Lizzie, your free motion is superb! Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  4. Very nice! I love the look of the back. Using their print as your pattern worked out great!

  5. What a great idea, and so pretty on the back. What a shame you don't like that color. Maybe you could get wild and dye it like Leah dyed her large whole cloth! Even just enough to alter the shade so you'd like it better.

    1. Thanks Karen!

      I think this is going to end up as something to be used and abused. Dyeing isn't such a bad idea, but the more I think about it, the more inclined I am to leave this one as it is..

