
Wednesday 17 July 2013

A Jam Session

This is where I have been spending hours over the last week or so, with my head stuck in the blackcurrant bushes.  It is a bumper crop this year, and one of the bushes has currants so big that the branches are weighed down to the ground.  

I am already running out of freezer space, so it was fortunate that I had enough jars in the house to make the first batch of jam.  Every batch of fruit has to be washed and have the stalks removed, then put in the freezer on the same day, otherwise it won't keep.  

Making jam in hot weather is pretty daunting, but I've done it.  I couldn't face the prospect of doing it all in one day, so I stewed the fruit on Monday, left it in the pan overnight, and added the sugar and finished the job off on Tuesday.

And here's the video.  I only kicked the tripod once. 


  1. Looks yummy. I like to eat it but not make it.

    1. Hello Diane,

      It tastes much better than the stuff from the shops. No unnecessary additives.


  2. Lizzie, when I make jam, jelly or can anything, I have a funnel that is as wide as my jar openings. It makes pouring things into the jars so much easier. I can just ladle directly into the jar. Is there anything like that available for you there?

    Karen in Kentucky

    1. Hello Karen,

      Yes, we can get jam funnels, it's just that I've never bothered because I find the stainless steel gravy boat so easy to use.

