
Tuesday 6 August 2013

Adding Outlines to Karol at the Window

Here is the top of Karol's head.  I needed to make him stand out a little better against the background, so with the Singer 15K hand machine I put in a line of stitching in yellow thread to make him stand out from a distance.  Perhaps white might have worked better, but it's too late now.

The curtain behind him isn't exactly neat.  I had no clear idea of what free motion pattern I was going to do.  My approach to free motion quilting is to thread up the machine, put the work under the foot, and then think "now what?".  The results vary.  The curtain is a bit messy.  I had to put in extra quilting over the pattern I had already done because from a distance there wasn't enough contrast between little Karol and the curtain behind him.

Anyway, it's nearly finished...!!!

Linking up today with Connie's blog Freemotion by the River for Linky Tuesday - lots of other projects to see there!