
Tuesday 10 September 2013

Sewing Machines from England to Uganda


Recognise this machine?  It is one of the machines that were donated by Duncan for the charity Hope for Life Katanga, featured in a post earlier this year.  The machines were flown to Uganda last month and are already being put to good use.


A group of ladies in Katanga have completed their first project, assisted by Beth, Ellie and Laura, who travelled over to Uganda to help set up the workshop.  

Visit the website for Hope for Life Katanga, where you can see how well these ladies did with the machines.  It really gave me a thrill seeing how delighted everyone looks.  Long bobbins, round bobbins, different models... they can do it!  It is fantastic seeing the ladies in Katanga making the most of these machines.  Well done to every one!


  1. Fantastic, All looks as if all is going very very well. I have offered them all my personal collection of 7 other machines, with 2 treadles. Just think Muv just because someone wanted to know how to change the tension on a shuttle, and all this happens. Thanks again for all your help. Love Duncan.

    1. Isn't it wonderful seeing the machines in use, Duncan. All your efforts have been worthwhile! Now I'm scratching my head thinking up sewing projects for them to get their workshop going...

