
Wednesday 2 October 2013

A Jam Session with Peaches

At the moment there are doll quilts winging their way across the Atlantic between England and Utah. Pattilou and I posted the quilts within a day of each other.  And because I can't visit Pattilou in real life, I have visited her blog, and seen that she has had a bumper crop of peaches. Coming from a country where you would need a walled garden, an expert gardener and an extraordinarily good year to grow your own peaches (a long winded way of saying it is virtually impossible), I have to confess to a slight wave of envy.  

When we were in Poland this summer the peach trees in my husband's cousin's garden were laden with fruit, whereas last year they rotted on the tree.  So this summer was the first time I had ever eaten home grown peaches, and very tasty they were too.

Pattilou has made lots of peach jam... which got me thinking...  so I took a trip to the greengrocer's and came home with peaches from Italy and nectarines from Spain, which combined with English apples and lemons from I can't remember where...

... gave me the ingredients to start experimenting.  Hooray it worked!  Here is the video if you want to have a go.

Welcome to Loree Ellis, the latest follower - thank you for joining!


  1. Tree ripened peaches are one of those wonderful treats to be savored. Here in St. Louis, MO we are lucky to have commercial orchards where you can pick your own and buy from the farm stand. Another rare treat, one that I only enjoyed when I lived in California, is a tree ripened apricot. Last fall we planted a semi dwarf peach tree of our very own. My friends say it will only be a food tree for the squirrels. We will see. It has leafed out very vigorously this summer and I am hoping for blossoms and a peach or two next year.

  2. Hello Mary Ellen,

    Oh lucky you with all those peaches!

    It's all love hate with squirrels, isn't it? They are such fun to watch, but I swear it is squirrels that raid our young pear trees and take the pears before they have had a chance to grow beyond a quarter of their full size. Netting is the only answer. Next year... as I have been saying for the past four years.

