
Sunday 8 December 2013

A Pretty Picture for Sunday - Green Alkanet

It's a weed, really, with big bristly leaves and tiny flowers.  There is something slightly hypnotic about the shade of blue which prevents me from digging up the plants.


  1. The definition of a weed is simply a plant which is growing where it is unwanted, therefore if you want to keep this pretty little flower it is not a weed :-)

    1. ... trouble is, I hate the leaves, the bristles stick in you, and the roots go down to Australia, so I use the flowers as an excuse for not digging them up... I think I will have to define it as a tolerated weed.

  2. Is this what I have been cultivating as borage in my garden? I can't seem to get rid of that either but the blue flowers are so lovely. Green alkanet is a dye plant so wouldn't it be fun to dye some fabric with it? Sadly the colour is a madder red not blue.
    Muv, do you live near the Essex/Suffolk border? I had thought that you were from the North of England? I love your free motion quilting and also have to thank you enormously for your Videos which have helped me enormously.


    1. Hello Valerie,

      It can be confused with borage, but borage is prettier.

      I am so glad you have been enjoying the videos. The idea is just to get people started with the old machines.

      If you look at the post for 1st December 2012 you will see where I'm from.. not the North, the Midlands.

