
Wednesday 18 December 2013

The Stash

This picture is a bit embarrassing.  The cupboard is overflowing and I can no longer shut the doors. There is enough pretty cotton poplin to make dresses for 36 toddlers, oddments and plain colours for 103 tea cosies, and plain colours and backing materials for an indeterminate acreage of quilts. Also I have a carrier bag full of my poshest colours, which I am now digging into for a new quilt.

Planning and organisation are not my strongest points, so I have decided to be bold and write down the list that has until now been stored between my ears.  Said and done is not my motto, but if I write something down, then I consider myself obliged to do what I have said I would do. The kick for this decisive action has come from Barbara at Cat Patches with the 2014 NewFO Challenge.  So here is my plan of action, nebulous as it is:-

1.  Use up some of the nursery print fat quarters for a cot quilt, and see if I can then churn out a        few more cot quilts and pram quilts.

2.  Devise a baby dress made from fat quarters.

3.  Make a quilted jacket.

4.  Do a small free motion quilted landscape.

5.  Make a dress for my daughter using her parcel tape alter ego.

6.  Start a wall hanging and make it good enough to enter into an exhibition the year after next.   This is something that has lived for so long in my head and reached such fantabulous proportions that I haven't even put pen to paper to sketch the plans, for fear that the reality will fall too far short of the fantasy.  It is time to get a grip.

Well that is six months taken care of, not necessarily in that order, and not necessarily consecutive. How is that for a get-out clause?  We shall see...


  1. Looking forward to seeing your creations in 2014!

  2. Great list, and I have complete confidence you'll be able to make a beautiful landscape quilt.

  3. I used to make landscape wall-hangings so my words of advice to you are,
    "more than one. It will take off the pressure of getting it right.
    Things in the background are smaller and less defined. Things in the forefront are larger and more detailed. Any of your Pretty Pictures for Sunday would be a good start. You could even combine them. I'm partial to the forget-me-nots.
    Most important, have fun!

  4. I don't think your stash is big enough. It's very pink. You need more greens and blues.
    You simply MUST buy more fabric, and another cupboard.
    Tee hee hee. :-)

  5. It is so good to plan ahead, especially sewing projects :-) m.b.

  6. Sounds like a great plan for new projects and for some targeted stash reduction too.

  7. You're going to need more fabric for all those projects! I've got about a dozen bin you could go through!
