
Friday 28 February 2014

Experimenting with Free Motion Landscape

A free motion landscape is something I have wanted to try for ages.  It was one of the items on my list of projects to do this year for the 2014 NewFO Challemge.  

Today I have finally made a start.  This is supposed to be the outline of a hedgerow.  At first it looked far too much like seaweed.  After I had put in another line of stitching it didn't look too bad, then I realised I had done it upside down - I meant to have the pale creamy yellow at the top, not the bottom.  

So far, so bad.  

Anyway, practice is practice, and if it only ends up as a test piece to see how the different coloured threads work with each other then it will have served some purpose.

Linking up today with Barbara's blog Cat Patches for February's NewFO
and Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday
and Leah Day's blog for Free Motion Friday


  1. Whether or not it's upside down you did a great job!

  2. HI!!!! I think it is looking good!!!!!

  3. That's interesting. I would not say so far so bad. I say it's pretty nice. Even more if you say it's your first try. I could not have done it. FMQ still has an aura of mystery for me. I prefer to hand quilt. Easier for me to control my hand. ;-)

    1. Thank you France. It is hand quilting that will always remain a mystery to me. Definitely a labour of love, requiring patience. I am a glutton for the instant gratification of FMQ.

  4. Your free motion quilting landscapes are always so beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing this one come together.

  5. Muv, I love it, it looks so delicate, like pillowcase trim. And you're right, it's great practice!

    1. Exactly what I thought, Linda, it's a pillowcase. It must be something to do with the restful neutral shades.

  6. Very nicely done - I am sure you aren't the first to have one of those 'duh' moments.

  7. It looks really good! FMQ takes a lot of practice as I'm sure you're well aware of! Thanks for sharing.

  8. I think that looks wonderful! Oh great, something else to add to my ever-growing list! lol

  9. I like your hedgerow. My experience has been if something turns out differently than I intended I can adjust my intentions. That is the fun of stitching. Enjoy the process.

  10. it is still very nice free motion quilting.
