
Tuesday 18 February 2014

It's Nearly Spring...

... and we have had the wettest most miserable winter ever, so to cheer things up a bit I have started an appliqué daffodil.  This is the daffodil on the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Quilt.  The one I am doing now will be very similar, and so far I have done the two stems  and have nearly finished the second of the three leaves. 

I only have the right hand leaf to do, but this time it will not be gracefully drooping.  Doing that curve took an inordinate length of time, persuading it into shape with gathering stitches, water and the iron. Despite taking photographs to record how I did it, I decided it was an experience that wasn't worth repeating. All I can really remember about the whole episode was getting a little too hot and cussy.

So now there is a daffodil in the making, which will be completed by St. David's Day.  After that I have to decide whether it will be a wall hanging or the central panel of a quilt.

Hello to Luna of Blueball Mountain, the latest follower - thank you for joining!


  1. I keep looking in the backyard to see if the hellebores are shooting up flowers yet. The snow has melted away so it will be any day now.

    1. Sounds promising, Mary Ellen - and today we have had an entire day without rain!

  2. beautiful. I still can't understand how to draw daffodils which represent the trumpet shape. Yours looks so perfect.

    1. Thank you Tomomi. It took me at least a couple of hours to get the drawing right. I was working from small photographs in a gardening encyclopaedia and had to scale it up - the flower is eight inches across at the widest point.

  3. Take heart....yesterday, not only did a huge flock of Canadian Geese fly over my house headed home, but I noticed the daffs are popping out of the ground! Spring is just around the corner!
