
Tuesday 28 January 2014

A Few Tiny Scraps

After last week's mega fast scrappy project I thought I would continue along scrappy lines, but on a much more modest scale.  I have received a small commission from my sister in law, who was phoning on behalf of my great niece, who has been inspecting one of my creations and wants one. Luckily for her, I have found another scrap jar that I overlooked last week, and which contains yet another little piece of the roses on navy background - just when I thought I had used it all up.  

So this photo might seem a bit boring, but for my great niece it is immensely fascinating.

This, I guarantee, is truly boring for everyone - a strip of wadding cut off from the edge of some free motion quilting, but a scrap nonetheless and essential to the project, so it gets its own photo.

I am quite looking forward to doing hardly any sewing this week


  1. Hi Muv
    A mystery project? Please don't keep us in suspense too long.
    Hugs G

  2. You turn scraps into famous movie actors! Fascinating to look at!! LOL!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

    1. Thanks Esther. Now I have a photo opportunity for my red jacket...
