
Thursday 30 January 2014

An MP3 Cosy for my Great-Niece

The tiny scraps that I sorted out earlier this week have been transformed into a handy little cosy for my great-niece to put her MP3 in.  The mobile phone cosy with a button that I made last year I gave to my sister in law, and her granddaughter, aka my great-niece, loves it and wanted one for her MP3.  

So here it is, ready to be put in an envelope and posted off to Surrey.  I will have to write a grovelling note of apology because she particularly wanted me to include the teapots fabric used in her grandmother's cosy, and I clean forgot... something along the lines of "terribly sorry darling, I am a great aunt after all, more ancient and forgetful by the minute, especially when caught up in a creative whirl... "  should fit the bill.

Here is the back, and especially for Esther ipatchandquilt, who thought it was a bit of a lark having a post just featuring a picture of scraps, giving them the movie star treatment, I have stood the cosy on its own little red carpet.

And here it is opened out, so you can admire the naff brown striped lining in all its 1970s glory.

To compensate for me forgetting the teapots fabric, I hope my great niece enjoys a game of spot the fabric next time she visits her grandparents and sees this quilt.  In the quilt she will find the pinky purple flowers at the bottom of the second picture, and the green floral and brown floral on the third picture, which all belonged to her great grandmother, and which she bought in the USA.

A very satisfying little project, making something useful with tiny scraps.  In fact, the strip that I used for the button loop was already chucked into the rubbish box on my table, and I suddenly thought better of it and fished it out.  I am so glad I did.  With the blue button it clashes so fascinatingly horribly with the green.

Linking up today with Kelly's blog My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday.


  1. The cozy is wonderful. Such a lot of intricate work for the common mp3 player! You are too funny. " Clashes so fascinatingly horribly with the green."

  2. super cute! I love making things that are functional and pretty!

    Thanks so much for linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation
