Thursday, 5 June 2014

Where Has Free Motion Friday Gone?

Leah Day's Free Motion Friday ended on 30th May 2014 - a great place for free motion quilters to enjoy a variety of projects and encourage each other.  Leah is now concentrating on Facebook and a Quilt Along. Meanwhile, in blogland, there are plenty of FMQ fans who do their own thing.  Free Motion Mavericks is the new Link Up for you!

Free Motion Friday was great while it lasted, and I can't imagine that there is a single FMQ fan on the planet who doesn't owe Leah a heartfelt vote of thanks for the inspiration and encouragement that she gives so willingly.  Thank you again Leah!

Now, if like me, you felt a void opening up when Free Motion Fridays came to an end, you might like to join in with the Free Motion Mavericks link up.  If you love free motion quilting, whether you are a beginner just taking the plunge, or you have reached the stage where you can do ostrich feathers with your eyes shut and still achieve perfect symmetry, then please link up.

Now for the embarrassing bit.
Our computer is on the blink.

Last night I was innocently scrolling down the page and the screen went black, apart from about a dozen brightly coloured Mondrian style rectangles at the bottom.  This text heavy post is coming via my husband's laptop.

So no photos from me just yet, but I expect with the help of the better techno-brains in the family we will find a way round it.

I feel like a lazy hostess laying out plates of sliced bread and margarine and telling my guests they have to bring their own sandwich fillings.  And drinks.  And salads.  And cold meats, cheese board and sherry trifle.

So here goes...

This post is going up on Thursday, the link is already live (I've done a test link), and I look forward to seeing all your lovely FMQ projects posted this week.  Be sure to link up back to this post, and visit each other to leave comments...

Update Thursday 12th June - next link up starts at midnight tonight GMT!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Leah Day has done a great job :-) Nice of you to take it further...... Will join in when I have some. Have a great day and good luck.
    Hugs from Norway

    1. Hello 2ne,

      Thanks for stopping by! Looking forward to the first link up from Norway...

      Love, Muv

  2. I'm in! You need a button so that we can all spread the word.

    1. Thank you Sue - and hooray you are the first person to link up!

      A button - yes, perhaps in time for next week. I've got a tin full of buttons, the sew-on sort, easy peasy, but cyber buttons are a bit scary and mysterious and not something I can do in five minutes. I don't want to admit how many hours it took to sort out how to do a linky...

      Love, Muv

  3. Thanks. I look forward to share with everyone here. Now I just have to find some time to get behind the sewing machine for some quilting I have 4 tops waiting on quilting. Once you create a button I will add it to my blog. It is something I need to learn how to do myself.

  4. Thanks for the invite, Muv. Great for me as a beginner to see the FMQ of others much further down the track.



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