Monday 30 July 2012

Queen's Diamond Jubilee Bash

The pub was packed on 4th June.  The Queen's Diamond Jubilee coincided with the first anniversary of the pub reopening after being renovated.  The landlady made a fabulous Union Jack cake...

... and in the nick of time I finished a wall hanging that took pride of place in the restaurant for about ten days.

Being a true vintage girl and in a patriotic frame of mind, I used only Singers (made in Scotland) for this project - my 1927 99K (hand machine) for the applique, and all the quilting was done on the 15K treadle.

Welcome to Janice Jackson!

1 comment:

  1. I think the cake is adorable! Looks so yummy. My daughter did a similar one for our 4th of July part. She used an American flag design of course, but she also did it on top of jello.



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