Saturday 25 April 2015

The 1949 Lutterloh Blouse Has a Collar

After spending ages today sewing on the collar on the Lutterloh blouse, I can schedule Monday as buttons and buttonholes day.  Then I shall have to get my skates on and do the hem and sleeves hems because the deadline for Spring for Cotton is next Thursday.  

I shall have to do something creative with those shoulder tucks.  They make the front of the blouse hang like a little girl's bedroom curtain.

I shall make sure that my final photos are better than this.  Bathroom mirror selfies aren't my forte. I'm the wrong generation.


  1. Ok, I've never seen a cowl drape with a notched collar...that's amazing, because I would have expected the drape to compromise the crisp lines of the collar. It doesn't! By the way, your collar is gorgeous.

    1. Linda, the design possibilities... No way will that collar rumple. It's interfaced with calico.



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