Friday 14 April 2023

Six Months Later...

A six month sabbatical wasn't planned, but it happened.  Sometimes you just need a break, and once the break starts it dawns on you that it needs to be a long one.  Anyway, here is the first blog post for a while, and it's about knitting.  I have a stash of wool that needs to be used up, and have found the solution for what to make with small amounts left over from old projects - baby boots!

These boots, the prototype pair, are now being put through their paces by their new little owner.  I tried out a pattern from a book, and found that they were far too tight around the leg, so I split the fold-over at the top and added an ankle strap. 


The casting on ends up as a seam down the middle of the sole.  I love the oval shape of the feet.

To give an idea of the dinkiness of the boots, the buttons were from an old shirt of my husband's.  I'm slightly miffed that I got the writing upside down, but at least it's the right way up for the baby to read, just in case he's a genius.

I have got a quilting project in the offing, but in the meantime be prepared for more boots - they are addictive!  A great little technical challenge that can be completed in a couple of evenings is my ideal project for the moment.


  1. A cute and useful way to use up bits of yarn. I’m sure the baby will appreciate the orientation of the words. I think it will get reading going early.

    1. Quite right. It's never too early to learn to read the small print.

  2. Cute booties. Glad you are back. I haven't been blogging much the last year or so (or getting time to read many blogs, either). We all need a break now and then.

    1. Thank you Cheryl! It turned into a longer break than I anticipated, and slowly but surely I'm getting back to making things. Now I've even done a bit of quilting! Ihope you are well,
      Love, Muv

  3. Hi Muv, so happy to have you back. Hope you're well rested. Take care.

    1. Thank you Andrée - yes, I'm slowly creeping back, and have even got some quilting to show for it now!
      Love, Muv

  4. Oh they are lovely! I particularly like the strap and button. I should attempt some booties as I too have lots of bits of wool to use up. It seems like a lot of people have been taking a break from blogging when I look at the list in my side bar, and that includes me, although funnily enough I too have just published a post - after a gap of 17 months. I look forward to seeing more of your baby things.

    1. Hello Lizzie, Interesting that quite a few people have taken a long break...
      The little boots have turned into quite a project. Perhaps I should write the pattern down and share it. I started out using a pattern and then made a few changes. Would you be interested?



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