Friday 4 April 2014

Free Motion Stone Wall

Just a little bit of free motion quilting done today...

... a stone wall against the slightly darker coloured neutral to start building up the foreground.

I'm not convinced that the top of the wall is right, it is a bit too regular, but once I have put in a bit of grass and a few weeds growing out from between the stones it should look a bit better.

At the moment I am having to break Leah Day's basic rule of practising every day.  I spent a rather interesting half hour with the physiotherapist this afternoon.  He asked me to rate the pain he was inflicting on a scale of 1 to 10.  We got to 9 and a half, and the bad news is that I have frozen shoulder.  I am doing my best not to be a grumpy old crock about it, but for a while the free motion quilting will have to be a tiny bit at a time.

Oh well, never mind.  Any excuse for bit of serious dressmaking.

Linking up today with Leah Day's blog for Free Motion Friday
and Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday
and Kelly's blog My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday


  1. Muv, the rock wall is pure genius! Of course I have a fondness for them. lol So sorry about the shoulder problem, I can relate big-time. It blows. Give it a rest and lots of liniment. If only we could replace body joints as easily as sewing machine needles!

    1. Thank you Linda. The bad shoulder has been creeping up on me over a few weeks and I finally admitted defeat. Still, it has meant that the landscape can evolve really slowly...

  2. I went on a retreat recently where many of us were free-motion quilting various projects. I noticed that almost everyone had a bottle of ibuprofen on her nightstand. What does that say about free motion quilting in general?

    Sorry to hear about your shoulder.

    1. Thank you. Perhaps we take it up too late in life and find out we are creakier than we thought.

  3. Wow, that stone wall is amazing! Beautiful work. :)

  4. Very well done, Love that you are doing it free hand, no sketching or even a fabric that suggests it - and it looks amazing!

  5. The quilting is just outstanding!! I see what you are saying about the top of the wall since you crossed over the fabric change. Maybe a hard line across the top would indicate a division? I know you will figure it out. I can relate to body issues and limits. So annoying when you have the time, materials, ability, desire to work and the body fails. Grrrrr.
    LeeAnna Paylor Not Afraid of Color!

    1. Thank you LeeAnna. Yes, it's very frustrating... I'll sort that wall out soon enough.

  6. I'm so sorry about your shoulder, but you'll be able to pick up the FMQ practicing soon enough. For now, concentrate on healing so you CAN do things like FMQ again. Feel better soon. HUGGGGs

    1. Thank you Laura Jean. I'm spending a lot of time thinking about sewing at the moment, rather than actually sewing!



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