Sunday 4 March 2018

A Picture for Sunday - Snowdrifts

One of the most unexpected sights I have ever seen.  This is a lane I often walk down, and I would never have imagined it being completely blocked by snowdrifts.  Here is the same lane in May, but when I took this photo on Friday the weather was wild. 

I piled on eight (yes, really) layers of clothing and went out for a long walk.  I took plenty of photos so I could send them to my son, who is in Ireland and has had similar weather, and my daughter, who is in Portugal and has complained that they have been having biblical rain.  Then I found I couldn't send them the mini documentary video by email, so I stuck it on YouTube.  Just make sure you wrap up warm before you watch it. 


  1. That is a whole lot of snow!!! Very pretty picture Muv.

  2. Glad you haven't blown away. Stay safe.

    1. ....and thanks Cheryl. It was a four day special. The thaw is upon us already.

  3. Very fine stuff blowing about. I was rather miffed that I couldn't even get a snowball together, let alone make a snowman! But very interesting as we had mini snow devils blowing around our cul-de-sac. I think you've had a fair bit more than us! I only ventured out to check the chickens water hadn't frozen (they were tucked in their run all dry and out of the wind), feed the wild birds and make sure their water wasn't frozen either. We did have blackbirds on the doorstep demanding more food! And then we hibernated!
    That is a very brrrrrr video! Pretty walk - in May that is!

    1. It has been an interesting few days, especially as in this part of the country snow usually melts as soon as it hits the ground. There were lots of fieldfares around when the weather was at its worst, and now they seem to have disappeared back to where they came from.

  4. Hi Muv, welcome to my world :-) You would think that you're in Canada. Stay warm and think positive thoughts. Spring will eventually be here.



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