Wednesday 22 February 2017

Pattern Hacking

Hacking is the only way I shall ever get a jacket to suit me and fit properly. 

Much as I love this gorgeous jacket in my Lutterloh book, which is where I found the pattern for my 1940s blouse, I know it isn't quite what I'm looking for...

...even if the fur trim is the stuff of tweedy fantasies.

Somehow my brain wasn't sufficiently in gear last week to tackle the pattern drafting required for Lutterloh creations... I delved into the pattern box and pulled out this not quite so retro number.  The pattern had never been used, and I had enough calico to run up a toile.  Then the fun really started.  The amendments so far are as follows:-

The armholes are too shallow, so the sleeves cut into the armpits.  I have dropped the bottom of the armhole about an inch and a half down the side seam.

The back is too narrow, so I have added an inch down the centre back.

The upper sleeves needed more width, so I have added an extra inch at the top, tapering down to nothing at the elbow.

The little stand up collar doesn't suit me, so I have had a very educational time roaming around YouTube learning how to draft a pattern with a shawl collar. 

Even though the second toile I have run up still isn't quite right, I think I have managed to keep frustration at bay and let fascination take its place.  Strangest of all, once I had made all the changes, somehow the mock up jacket sat on me differently and magically transformed itself into a rather natty double-breasted number.  I must get my husband to take some pictures of me modelling it, if not for the blog at least for family entertainment. 


  1. A pattern that cost $2! Now that's vintage!! I am looking forward to seeing the jacket!!



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