Monday 31 December 2012

Good-bye 2012

To see the old year out, here is the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Quilt, made entirely on two vintage machines, my 1927 99K hand machine and 1945 15K treadle, with hand stitched blanket stitch around the appliqué.  I finished it a few days before Christmas.  So far this is the best photograph I have been able to take.  Big quilt, small house, poor light...

Soon enough I hope to have better photos and will tell you a bit more about it, but we are expecting visitors today so I can't linger.

So whether your plans are for a quiet time or a riotous one tonight

Happy New Year!
Muv  xxx


  1. Beautiful. You should be very proud of your work. Thank you for sharing this with us and a very happy new year.

    Anonymous G

  2. At last! It's done and look's fantastic. Happy New Year to you Muv. Love Duncan.



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