Monday, August 27, 2012

A Polish Sewing Machine - Lucznik Predom 415

When we were staying with my husband's cousin we were installed in the same room as her sewing machine.  She bought it in 1980, and it is made by Lucznik - not a make I have come across before. I couldn't resist taking pictures of it.  The motor is attached at the back rather than being inbuilt, as you can see in the second photo.  However, that was not the most fascinating feature of it for me. All shall be revealed tomorrow...  


  1. Good to have you back Muv with your tales of Poland.....and your delightful pine cones I love the hint of lime green around the edges ....x

  2. Thank you Artymess. It's nice being back and feeling refreshed. Great weather for staying in, isn't it? Should make great progress on the projects if this rain doesn't stop.

  3. Hello,

    my mum has got one just like that :) Lucznik I remember its sound from my childhood.

    On Sunday I got Singer treadle 15K from 1919. All in all good condition, not rusty just extremely dirty. Thanks to your fantastic youtube video I am able to clean the top parts of the machine - I am just wondering about the bottom - all the bars/parts are black with tick old grease and dirt. Can I ask you to advice how to clean that? Can I unscrew everything and soak it? Or shall I soak as a whole unit? My lovely English husband will not help as he is the computer man - but my children are up for helping and I must say we, as a family really like the new addition to the living room our Singer :)

    I am so glad you enjoy your visit to Poland :) I am Polish and its nice to hear it.

    Thank you for the youtube videos, and your lovely blog. All your help is appreciated. :)
    and I feel so welcome in the Singer lovers family!!!
    Kind regards,

  4. Hello Mags,

    Lovely to hear from you. I'm so glad that Bogusia's machine is bringing back memories for you.

    We had a great stay in Poland, thank you - a relaxing time with family and sunshine. Perfect!

    Congratulations on your 15K treadle. I have never had to do any serious cleaning to the irons on a treadle, but you will find full information on the Treadle On website - here is the link for the page you need

    I'm not sure I would go to all the trouble of taking it apart if I could help it.


  5. Let's see if the link works this time

  6. Muv,

    I copied the link :) thank you.
    My iron frame is really nice and surprisingly not dirty. The base of the machine, the bars close to bobbin are black like a night without any moon or stars ;). I don't know why and I don't how to approach cleaning that part of the machine - the dirt is sticky and thick but the machine moves nicely by the wheel as I don't have yet the belt for it. The top of the machine is like the iron frame quiet clean - really strange... But there is a more then 90 years in which my machine saw probably many things... I could send you a picture of that mess :)

    November was really nice and warm in Poland so you were lucky - as some winters back it was -10 C :)
    Its nice to visit family and have break. Did you try any of Polish food?

    If I can I would rather avoid unscrewing the machine as I have four small hands - really willing to help and I can just imagine my boys at their full helping action ;) on other side if I have to I will when the rascals are in beds :)

    I am so happy I found your blog!

  7. Hello Mags,

    The sticky black residue will be ancient oil that has congealed there. It can end up looking like a layer of tar. The problem can be worse if in the past somebody has used inferior or all purpose oil (eg 3-in-1) instead of sewing machine oil, which is more highly refined. If it isn't gumming up moving parts don't worry too much about it.

    The only way to get it off is with an old toothbrush and give it a good scrubbing with something with a high alcohol content, eg white spirit or meths. Alternatively, paraffin, but it is a bit smelly and a bit dangerous with children around. If all else fails you could use Polish Pure Spirit if there is any knocking about the house and have a sober Christmas.

    From what you say I don't think you need to take anything apart. I'm a great believer in leaving things in one piece and cleaning in and out of the nooks and crannies.

    My husband is an English Pole, born here, but both his parents were Polish. We often cook bigos in the winter and the fridge is generally well stocked with sausage. We had plenty of Polish home cooking when we were with Bogusia.


    1. Buy isopropyl alcohol...apply with a smallish robust paintbrush...don't pile it on... Keep at it then clean with a toothbrush or cloth... Dry it. If necessary repeat. I renovated a treadle, and typewriter... Finally with the type writer I aerosoled just a weeny amount of WD40... And the next day used machine oil

  8. O Muv,

    your advice kept my going through family vomiting bug. I was just thinking when this pass I will clean my machine :) Thanks for that!

    What do you think about GUNK degreaser?

    Well I am not typical Polish - do not like vodka - so there is no Pure Spirit in the house so if I buy any it will be all for the machine ;)

    My boys (sons and husband) do not like bigos - I personally love it - socially with mushrooms and dry plums. I cook sometime barszcz (beetroot soup) - did you ever try it? Its very traditional, christmas soup.

    I hope we are on the way of recovery with this virus and I can start with bringing my Singer to live. I am quilting a bit and I am really curios how it would be on a vintage machine.


  9. Hello Mags,

    What a rotten time you have been having... I hope everyone is as right as rain by Christmas.

    Sorry, I've never used gunk.

    My husband has never been one for barszcz so we have never made it. Perhaps I should give it a try this winter.

    Quilting is fine on a vintage machine. Once you have your machine sorted out you will have to experiment for a while. You will enjoy it.


  10. Hi,
    Can you tell me where the serial number would be on a Singer Stylist 834, made in Poland by

    Thank you,

    1. Hello Barbie,

      I'm sorry, I haven't a clue. Have you looked everywhere underneath?


  11. Hi Muv,

    I am Ciiru from Kenya.
    Recently i was gifted a Singer 15k sewing machine by my grand mother which has just been lying around in her house. She says its been years since it was used.
    I love the machine however it has a few issues i have noticed:
    1: the bobbin winder seems not to be working well. I have to hold it down for it to be able to wind thread round the bobbin, or i have to do it manually by hand :-( not the best option. where can i tighten or what can i do to correct that?

    2: every time i treadle for a few minutes, it works perfectly then i get to hear a really loud annoying sound. I am not sure where the sound is coming from as I have oiled and cleaned it accordingly. Kindly assist. Thank you

    1. Hello Ciiru,

      How kind of your grandmother!

      I am very sorry, without being with you I cannot help you with your second problem, but I might be able to help you with the bobbin winder.

      Look carefully at the second photograph in this post:-

      In the centre of the photo you will see a flat metal bracket kept in place by a large screw. Your machine will have a similar bracket, but probably in a slightly different place. Loosen the screw, hold the bobbin winder in position so that the rubber tyre makes contact, and then tighten the screw again. This should be the adjustment you need to make.

      I hope this helps!

      Love, Muv



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