Monday, March 25, 2013

Rear Inspection Plate on the 1936 Singer 201K Treadle

It has a beautiful Celtic design and positively gleams after a good going over with the metal polish.

When I got this machine I enjoyed visiting Gavin Henderson's blog Oil and Thread and studying his 1950 version of the same machine.  Same cabinet, same decals, but Gavin has the post-war striped faceplate and rear plate, and there are a couple of other minor differences.

Not only has Gavin been cleaning up machines, but he's been doing some serious sewing too.  You will have to search his blog and find a very nice felled seam.

People often send me pictures and messages, so I have decided to start posting links to Followers' blogs so you can admire their machines, and could well all end up visiting each other...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Muv
    Thanks for the shout out today. My blog has had a record day as a result! I




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