Monday, June 17, 2013

Linen Frocks Made to Measure

This advert is in my copy of The Needlewoman of May 1937, next to the picture of Mrs. Simpson in her corsets.  I love the style of dresses in the late 1930s and find it frustrating that the dress materials on offer today haven't got the lovely feel and drape of the old fashioned crepes.

Evidently I was born too late.  Not only was there a huge range of Irish linens available in the 1930s, but also this company had a dressmaking service.  I rather like the dress on the left, and am tempted to post the coupon asking for the Illustrated Frock Leaflet showing the choice of Ten New Paris Styles.

I think I'll start with the cheap option of a flowered dress print at elevenpence a yard, then creep slowly up the scale for the next dress and try the uncrushable crepe at one and a halfpenny.  It would have to be a very special occasion for me to fork out three shillings a yard for the "Never-Fade" Irish linen or the fadeless dress poplin.

I have been enjoying following Bonnie Hunter's adventures in Ireland.  If you haven't seen it already, you might be interested in her blog post today about her visit to the Irish Linen Centre and Museum in Lisburn. 

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