Friday, July 5, 2013

A Doll Quilt on my Birthday - Brilliant Timing, Brittoni!

Here is my quilt from Brittoni, my partner for May on the Doll Quilters Monthly swap, which was specially delayed by the post office somewhere between New York State and England so that it should arrive today, my birthday!

A wonderful colourful teddy, with bright scrappy patches and machine embroidery in multicoloured thread.  He is so bright and cheerful.  Thank you Brittoni!

The sun is shining, I have had a nice pleasant amble around the shops in Bath, and I am going to have a nice lazy evening...

PS.  Thank you everyone for the birthday greetings!  xxx


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Susan! It's not been bad at all.

  2. Happy birthday and many returns!

  3. Happy birthday from New Zealand! Btw I found your blog via Bonnie Hunters Quiltville. I have a 1908 German 201 singer that I brought to NZ when we emigrated 5 years ago from the Uk. Your videos have helped me get the machine back up and running beautifully.

    1. Thank you Bobbinsew, lovely to hear from you!

      I think it is absolutely wonderful that the treadle went with you to New Zealand. Far too good to leave behind!


  4. Serendipity, it's a wonderful thing. Happy Birthday Muv!



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