Monday, September 9, 2013

A Crusader in the Kitchen

This was the sewing I was busy with last Friday, a Crusader's tabard for my friend Kate's son.  I went to their house in South Wales with the intention of making two tabards, another one for an older brother too, but in the end only finished this one.  Too much talking and not enough sewing, but I can make the second one at home.  I used Kate's 1916 Singer 28K hand machine to knock this little item together, and by tea time we had one very happy young lad.  He is ready to do serious battle with the home made wooden sword and shield.  This isn't the complete outfit - he didn't have time to get on his chain mail.

Talking of kitchens...

...if anyone is interested in trying out apple and sloe jam, the video is up on Youtube.  Very tasty.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! We are really pleased with the whole project. The crusader kits have gone down very well with their pals at school too. Thanks for your help Mags. Love you loads.
    Kate xxx



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