Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Cock's Comb

This is the cockerel I started last week.  I have stitched around the red for his head, using darker red for the lower part and brighter red for the top.  He will look a whole lot better once I have done his beak and eye..  At the moment he is faintly reminiscent of one of the scarier scenes in Chicken Run.

Doing the blanket stitch around the zig zags for his comb was no fun at all.  Unfortunately I am not one of those calm and serene people who find hand sewing relaxing.  I find it all a bit of a chore.  I swore never to do fiddly edges on appliqué ever again when I did the thistle leaves a couple of years ago, but this cockerel got the better of me.

Now that I am about five eighths of the way through this piece of appliqué I have reached the seriously bored stage.  It might have something to do with the sun setting at 4.30 pm. Perhaps I need to hibernate.

Linking up with Esther's blog for WOW=WIPs on Wednesday 


  1. Wow! Terrific job with his comb! And "seriously!" about the sun thing - I'm convinced I was a bear in a past life. ;D Sooooo hard to stay awake past 7 half the time.

    1. Thanks Lyn.
      I have the opposite problem. Getting going in the morning is hard work. I never see the sunrise, not even in the middle of winter. You notice the cock isn't crowing.
      Love, Muv



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