Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Modern Needlecraft

This illustration of cushions is taken from the latest addition to my bookshelf, Modern Needlecraft, edited by Davide C. Minter.  This book is most definitely a gem, a 250 page illustrated encyclopaedia covering embroidery,crochet, knitting,millinery, handbags, dressmaking and household furnishings.

My copy is a 1951 reprint, although the book was first published in 1931.  Evidently too much had happened in the intervening years for anyone to care about the fashions in the illustrations being way out of date.  If anything, I think it adds to the book's charm.

This slip pattern could be adapted for a slinky dress...

... and this little dress is timeless.  Such a shame that the little girl has been given a cut-and-paste adult face.  I must scour the rest of the book and see if I can find who it really belongs to.

The book cost me less than I would spend on tea and cake in a cafe.  If anyone wants to do an internet book search, they might just find themselves a copy.  It would be money well spent.

Linking up with Connie's blog Freemotion by the River for Linky Tuesday


  1. What a cool post about the charm of yesteryear! Love it...

  2. Great find. Just look at all those measurements; I can imagine the Downton ladies spending a whole afternoon at the dressmakers, just being measured!

  3. That will be fun to read and look through!



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