Tuesday, April 28, 2015

1949 Lutterloh Blouse Nearly Finished...

Yesterday was buttons and buttonholes day.

These buttons were irresistible - exactly the right colour, and with a glittery centre.

I raided my box of variegated threads and found one that went perfectly with the print.

It was a case of extreme pattern matching.  Here is the front of the blouse all buttoned up. Spot the overlap.

Today's job has been rather more irksome.  Once the buttons were done and I was trying on the blouse it was glaringly obvious that the shoulder tucks, which seemed a great idea at the time, just had to go.  They looked pretty awful in the last pictures I posted, when I had just put on the collar. By the time I went to bed last night I had resigned myself to the inevitable... unpick a section of the shoulder seam and replace the tucks with a dart.  Today I tackled it, the greater part of my day got sucked into a black hole, but I've done it.

Only the hem is left to be done...


  1. Brilliant pattern matching along the overlap. Excellent!

    1. Thanks Marly. The pattern was a great help, giving the advantage of vertical stripes and a regular pattern repeat.

  2. Holy cow...you are good. I don't think I've EVER seen such a great pattern match. This is beautiful. I was pretty good when I sewed garments, but not THAT good! Going back to look at the shoulder tucks.

    1. Give them a good long lingering look. They are gone for ever now.

  3. Those buttons are indeed a perfect match. I can see why you could not resist them: they are gorgeous! Your front look quite good. I'm surprised about the sleeves as they seems perfect in your picture. But trying the garment is the real test. And what we see is sometimes a painful reality!

    1. All the fitting problems are sorted out now, France. The next one will be easier!



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