Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Pretty Picture for Sunday - Whitchurch Silk Mill

A fascinating place to visit if you get the chance.  The river was teeming with trout, and we watched them swimming through the fast water beside the mill wheel.  The ducks are very handsome and contented too.

The mill clock was installed to commemorate the Battle of Waterloo, which was fought on the 18th June 1815.  Anyone who feels so inclined may like to raise a glass on Thursday.  Napoleon fans are excused. 

Welcome to Joyce, the latest follower - thank you for joining!


  1. Did you now that tomorrow (18th of june 2015) thousands of actors are playing the Battle of Waterloo in Waterloo. They expacting a lot of spectators.
    What a lovely place to be in White Church!

    1. I saw a snippet about it on Spanish TV news - it looked like quite an event!

  2. I would love to visit a silk mill - I saw a wool mill in Wales once, and it fascinated me.

    1. The colours of the threads were amazing, but I couldn't get any decent pictures inside the mill because the light was a bit dull. Wonderful machinery.



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