Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Bit of Haberdashery

Two interesting items that live inside my tin of bias binding, in amongst all the stuff that I actually use.

This glamorous lady wearing the New Look seems to be cocking a snook at post-war austerity, twirling her skirt and showing off her long gloves.

The binding inside is good enough to use, but I am not sure I will have any use for the colour, which is distinctly khaki.  Much as the label may claim that the colour is mustard, with "mustard" cunningly stamped over the word "England", this looks suspiciously like army surplus dressed up as fashion.  Alternatively, they might have meant French mustard, but I doubt it.

Far more luxurious is the 1920s binding, which is possibly silk, and disintegrating.  The picture on the label suggests that it might be suitable for trimming underwear, yet to me chocolate brown suggests sensible hats with cardigans and straight tweed skirts.. 


  1. Just love the antique packaging! Awesome. These are much older than what I have and much more interesting!



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