Tuesday, January 19, 2016

An Interesting Box

Sometimes when flitting around charity shops you have to buy something instantly because you knew it was there waiting for you.  This fascinating wooden box, approximately four inches by five and a half, was paid for in a trice.  Probably it was originally a cigarette or cheroot box, but now it has bobbins in it.

The lid has a picture on it, embossed in metal, of a couple in their finery.  The candle and the huge bed suggests that it is their wedding night.  I would love to be able to identify the costume.  On checking one of my books, I found that the lady's outfit is very like the costume from Georgia, but I have had less luck with the man's outfit.  My knowledge of the Caucasus is very limited.

Inevitably, I started bouncing around the internet, and it was way past my bedtime when I ended up totally enthralled by these dancers:-

Now that is the sort of dancing I could cope with.  Low energy, gliding around looking superior, because you know you look totally and utterly fabulous.  I'm not so sure I could pull it off at my age, but my daughter could.

So can anyone tell me more?  Perhaps Galina will pop up in the comments box...

Linking up to Connie's blog Freemotion by the River for Linky Tuesday


  1. Beautiful box and wow that is a neat video!

  2. Oh my, the wedding box is lovely, and the dancing is ethereal.

    1. The dancing is hypnotic, isn't it? There are loads more on Youtube. Great late night viewing.

  3. What a fantastic find! I love these types of treasures!



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