Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Clothes Pegs

Ever versatile clothes pegs have come to my rescue in the past few days.  I have assembled a large quilt using the Quilt As You Go method, making full use of pegs when attaching large heavy sections.  I put pegs at the edge when doing the second line of stitching to the top binding, and for extra firmness put a line of curved safety pins a couple of inches in from the edge to keep the quilted panels from shifting.

Managing the weight of the work was then a whole lot easier when using the machine.

Later on, when all the panels were assembled and it was time to bind the quilt, I had about 24 feet of binding to contend with.  Rather than have the binding dragging along the floor, fraying and wrapping itself around my feet, which is what I usually do, I decided to be sensible and use a peg to make a neat bundle.  It was easy to keep the bundle on my lap and undo a couple of feet at a time as I needed it.

How ugly is that brown and cream stuff?  I can't believe I have finally used it.

Linking up to Connie's blog Freemotion by the River for Linky Tuesday


  1. Genius idea using clothes pins Muv! Sounds like you are making a good sized quilt!

    1. Thank you Zenia Rene. It has ended up measuring 60 x 77 inches - my biggest for a long time!

  2. Muv, do you always fold your binding strips like that? I usually fold mine entirely in half but yours look like a single fold? Just curious. Looking forward to seeing the whole quilt when it is finished.

    1. Yes Bernie, I always do a single thickness binding. Here is my method:-


      I know many people swear by double thickness binding, but I'm happy with my own method because the corners aren't overly bulky when mitring them, and I don't need to do any hand stitching.



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