Sunday, July 31, 2016

Pictures for Sunday - Heat and Ice

Delightful houses in the old part of Oviedo.  Glass covered balconies are common in Northern Spain on account of the (relatively) cool and wet weather.  We managed to be there for a heat wave early last week, when a blast of dry wind came up from the Sahara.  By the end of the week the heat wave had reached Southern England, so temperatures at home were higher than where we were in Spain.

We could have gone to the pictures to cool off in the air conditioning, but coming back outside might have been a bit of a shocker.


  1. The glass covered balconies appear to be too small to be useful. Useful as in being able to sit on them.

    1. I'd have my racks of laundry out there to dry. Far better than having it draped all over the kitchen, which is what I have to do at home.

  2. We saw these same glass covered balconies in the historical district of Lima, Peru. Our guide said they were made popular during the Spanish colonial regime in the late 17th and 18th centuries - adapted for ceremonial purposes. Many local businesses have restored these balconies to their ornate grandeur.



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