Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Mystery Wall Hanging Has A New Home

If you remember reading about the Mystery Wall Hanging, then you will be interested to hear that it has now crossed the Atlantic.  My sister in law, Mary Ann, offered it to her brother Bob, and he gladly accepted.  However, he lives in Baltimore, rather a long way from Surrey, so he has had to wait a few months.  Rather than risk putting the hanging in a packet and trust the post, we decided it would be best for Mary Ann to take it with her the next time she visited him.  She made the trip to the USA earlier this month, and yesterday I received a message from Bob, plus the photo.  Here is what he said:- 

We have hung it over the stairs so we see it every morning as we come down to breakfast! 

I deliberately captured the "Good Morning Sunshine"  plaque on the lower wall though the text is a bit small to see.

The hang arrangement is interesting.
Without thinking about it much I bought the wooden dowel and figured I would have to cut it to size or get some hooks etc.
We had not even decided where to hang it at this point.

Just for giggles I threaded the dowel through the loops and placed it over the stairs.
It was just the right size to wedge there. No cutting needed. Must be divine providence.

So that's where it will hang.

Definitely a happy ender!  Thanks for the picture, Bob!

1 comment:

  1. It's a fabulous piece of work by yourself and others unknown. Those are most definitely scissors around the border and absolutely nothing to do with peacocks!



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