Sunday, February 26, 2017

A Picture For Sunday - Interrupted Reflection

Not a hundred percent accurate with the colours, because the camera sees dazzling orange as pink, but beautiful nonetheless - yet another sunset over the Bristol Channel seen from Clevedon.  I was puzzled by the rectangle of light immediately below the sun, and thought it was the effect of mist or low cloud.  Once I got home and looked at the photo on the computer screen, and was no longer dazzled by the sun, I could see that it was because the reflection on the estuary had been broken by a sandbank at low tide.

This sunset was especially enjoyable because a couple from Michigan were down on the jetty taking in the view.  It was her (and possibly his, too) first visit to Britain, and they had only landed in England a couple of hours previously.  They had just had time to settle in at their hotel and then go out for a stroll.  What a wonderful start to their trip!  Moral of the story - if you have never been to England before, come in on a flight that doesn't land at Heathrow. 

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