Saturday, December 16, 2017

Knitting a Shawl Collar

So nearly finished!  Now that I am on the last few rows I am confident that I will have my winter cardigan ready for Christmas.

There is a ridiculous number of stitches on the needles, which is unavoidable when kitting the button bands and collar all in one go.  I started off by using one circular needle, but it was all too crammed and I needed to buy another one and use them just as if they were two ordinary straight needles.  This way I could lay the cardigan out flat and work out exactly where to place the buttonholes. 

Also I can see how the collar is progressing.  There is still a little more shaping to do to get it to fold back nicely.  Three more evenings' work or so...


  1. Coming along nicely - you know what will happen when you do finish, don't you - the weather will suddenly change to spring-like temperatures! ;)
    I'm not a knitter, wish I could - apart from some toys I made years ago for my younger brother. I sort of gave up when I knitted a jumper for my then fiance (now husband) which went really well at the front, all interlocking diamonds. But the back went horribly wrong - and it ended up huge! Same wool as in the front too! So my dad claimed it for his gardening gear. Husband ended up with a hat and scarf instead! Yet my mother knits and my grandmother could do pretty much anything with her hands - the talent missed me. Never mind, drawing and quilting is good enough for me.

    1. You're right Kerry. I'm casting off today and it's (relatively) warm and sunny.

      Knitting is a weird thing. Either you are born totally wired for it or you aren't. My Mum taught me to knit when I was little but wasn't a knitter, and my daughter is a dead loss. It definitely skips generations.

    2. My daughter prefers knitting, but her attention span is sooooo short nothing is ever finished. She makes the odd trip to see my mum for lessons. I tried to get her interested with a little vintage machine - it ticked the right buttons with the pretties, but she didn't want it. OK more for me to play with then! Then again it seems, apart from a toy pram quilt that my grandmother made, nobody in the family quilted. There are seamstresses with distant relations and ancestors, but no quilters.

    3. I take back what I said about my daughter never finishing anything - yesterday we were presented with a huge woolen patchwork blanket that she'd taken 6 months to complete - and finished it Christmas Eve! I'm not sure whether she'll do another - but there is always hope!
      And I hope you had a lovely Christmas too. Happy New Year! :D

    4. What a fantastic present - and such a joy that your daughter kept it secret!

      Happy Christmas and New Year to you and your family, Kerry!

  2. love the way you are doing the collar - I hadn't thought about that one for my latest effort. your blog wont seem to accept my comment profile.

    1. Thanks Brenda! I wanted a collar I could turn up to keep the draughts out.
      Just nipping over to your blog to check out your knitting...



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