Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Osborne Bull

One of the sights that I remember from my first visits to Spain when I was a child - a great big black bull looming over the landscape.  I was young enough to think it was real, just for a second or two.

This delightful quilt was hanging next to my stitched field at the Where in the World exhibition.  I roared with laughter when I saw it.  Unmistakeably Spain, in fabric.

The black silhouette of the Osborne Bull stands proudly at the top of a distant hill.

In the best naïve tradition it dwarfs the turbines of the wind farm on the hill in front of it.

It is a dry landscape, so the hills are bare, with just a few scrubby bushes...

... a tangle of weedy plants with some yellow flowers at the roadside...

...and also some tall grasses.

This is such a life-like scene of a Spanish road that I almost expect to see a few smashed hub caps in the verge.

Instead we see stones and a signature - M. Capper.

This quilt was up for auction, I put in a bid, and was thrilled when I heard that I had won.  Soon it will be hanging on the wall here at home.

Thank you Marion!


  1. What a treasure! I'm glad you won! I can picture that same bull and the more modern addition of wind turbines. I miss Spain and must go back pronto! What exquisite quilting by M. Capper.

  2. How fun! It was fate that you end up with this quilt, I think :)

  3. Congrats on winning the bull quilt. Now you will be able to remember that visit to Spain, every time you pass the quilt.



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