Friday, March 16, 2018

Squared Twiddle Blanket With Buttons

Every Twiddle blanket I make is different from the last, and this time I played around with shades of pink, purple, beige and grey.  Also I wanted to experiment with a tartan effect stitch, as I would like to make myself a jacket with a similar stitch.  Next autumn, perhaps. 

Just using buttons kept the decoration simple, and each of the ten buttons is different.  I particularly liked this salmon pink button with streaks.

This blue button with laced ribbon was novel.

This red button is bold enough to stand out near the band of bright pinkish red...

... and this calm blue holds it own against a rather sludgy combination of colours.

I took this blanket to the monthly meeting of the church knitting group that I joined last year, and it should soon find its way to a dementia patient at a local hospital.

Now that spring is coming (supposedly) and I have organised my sewing corner, I am looking forward to more sewing and a little less knitting.  I am so glad I joined the knitting group, as it got me knitting again after a couple of decades off.  Knitting is definitely like riding a bike.  No matter how long since you last had a go, you don't forget how to do it.

Linking up with Amanda Jean's blog Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday

1 comment:

  1. Those twiddle blankets are so adorable. Your buttons are so sweet too.



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