Friday, May 11, 2018

Blending Yarns

Winter has finally gone (it took its time) and the cardigan I have lived in for several months is now a little too warm for comfort.  It is time to make a lighter version, so I have been playing at yarn mixing again.

The dusky pin fleck in the foreground is a wool and cotton mix.  I found bag of ten balls at my local wool shop.  It was an end of line, so it was reduced, and I wasn't sure how far ten balls would go.  Rather than risk not having enough for a complete cardigan, I decided to use some of the yarns I already had.  Out came the raspberry and the grey random yarn that I used in the winter cardigan.

Once I set to with the knitting I quite liked the tweedy effect and the overall pinkishness of it, very different from the grey blend of the winter cardigan.

Essentially I am knitting the same cardigan all over again, just in different yarns, and this time I shall actually write down what I am doing a little more carefully.  At the end of it I might even have a proper pattern to share. 

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