Saturday, August 4, 2018

A Heap of Knitting

Heatwaves and knitting don't usually go together, but somehow I have just kept on going with this project.  

For a while it was my World Cup therapy, keeping me busy while I was glued to the box and following England's fortunes.  While I was knitting the right front England lost their semi-final.  Don't ask me what row I was on.  Some things are best forgotten.  It was all too emotional to watch to watch beyond the 90 minutes.  I couldn't bear the pain of extra time because somehow I could tell Croatia were going to beat them, so I went out for a walk and watched the sky from the corner of a field and contemplated God, Man and the Universe, agonising over whether I was all too caught up in bread and circuses.  There was a cool breeze, with the scent of chamomile wafting in the air, when I heard loud rustling in the hedge.  After standing stock still for a couple of minutes, I saw the grass parting at the side of the path, about ten feet from me, and a baby badger popped his head out and looked straight at me.  He gave me a look that said "It's all over", and I gave him a look back saying "I know", at which he strolled off a little way off up the path and then back into the long grass.

Suitably refreshed, I returned home, resolved never to forget Trippier's glorious free kick,  and set my mind to enjoying the rest of the tournament.  If I remember right, I had just finished the ribbing on the left front when France beat Croatia in the final.  That was only three weeks ago, but it seems an age away already.

Now I have all the pieces on a circular needle and am decreasing for the raglan shaping.  It's almost done!

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