Friday, April 26, 2019

Framing A Stitched Landscape

It's almost a year and a half since I finished this landscape, and finally we are getting round to framing it.  My husband has made a frame for it, and today I have been working on mounting it on the board.  Rather than using card, I decided to use fabric to surround it.  The cotton fabric is a lovely creamy ivory colour, just right for the job.

For the outline, I used one of the threads that I had used in the picture.  The Willcox and Gibbs machine makes a nice bold line of chain stitch.  Thank goodness I have the manual, because I have to check how to thread the machine every time I use it.

This was one of those jobs that takes a few minutes to think out and about three hours to actually do.  Plotting the position of the stitched outline and centring the landscape itself onto the back panel took the best part of the afternoon.  Now it is over to my husband for the next step.  The wood of the frame needs to be darkened just a shade, so he is going to try out some test pieces tomorrow so we can see them in the daylight and choose the best colour.

Free Motion Mavericks this week is at Andrée's blog Quilting and Learning and I'm linking up!


  1. Hi Muv, I must have missed this one. It really looks great. I'm looking forward to seeing it framed. Thanks for linking up!

  2. Wow! A W&G! Do you find it hard to get needles for it? Or does it use conventional needles. When we were on holiday last year, we visited an auction house - saw a similar machine but the needles looked like headless nails! LOL! And no - I didn't get, but it did go for virtually nothing!

    1. It's practically impossible to get needles for them, but fortunately I was given a couple.

  3. I still haven't used my W&G. I was going to try it out at a demo, but a lady kept playing with it (touching over and over) and she broke the thread, and I didn't have the manual with me to re-thread it.

    1. Oh Cheryl, how very annoying.
      Once you get started they are great fun to use. The chain stitch is really pretty, especially in a variegated thread.

  4. Well it was for a special occasion. So glad the picture is finally being framed - such a lovely piece of artwork Muv.

    1. Only took us two years. Par for the course with us.

  5. I love that your husband is supportive of your artwork and makes things to enhance it.



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