Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Out For A Walk

Doesn't she look snug!   Meet Emilia, all wrapped up in the blanket from very proud granny.  She is now just over three weeks old, and looking at the photos and mini videos that we have received, she is making wonderful progress - taking in the world with wide-open eyes, smiling and chatting.

The parcel that I sent contained three items; the elephant quilt, the cardigan with spotty buttons, and this blanket.  

It was a great way of using up left over oddments, not only from babies' garments, but also from cardigans I have made for myself.  The overall effect is fairly riotous, and should keep Emilia busy when she is learning her colours.

Many of the baby yarns were in random colours.  I really like the shades of blue in this photo.

The pink in this photo is definitely Emilia's colour.  We have received lots of photos of her looking delightful in pink.

I am hoping that we can visit in The New Year, as soon as travel restrictions are lifted.  I have already got two cardigans, in the the next two sizes up, set aside for her.  I am looking forward to life returning to normal, not new normal, but normal normal, and actually kissing and cuddling our first grandchild.  It can't come soon enough.


  1. I hope you get to meet your granddaughter soon.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. I'm doing my best to be patient. She is growing so fast.

  2. Congratulations. She is beautiful - and so is the cozy blanket you made for her. :-)

    1. Thank you Bernie, she's a gorgeous little pixie.

  3. Oh she's so pretty. All cosy in her blanket and a pompom hat! I do hope you get to snuggle, cuddle and play sooner rather than later. It's been a horrid year and really cruel to families.

    Our daughter got married on Monday - not the planned wedding later in the month, but she had the presence of mind to make another date earlier just in case and because her grandfather's health has been deteriorating rapidly. It was a shame, we all made the best of it but it wasn't the same - even her pretty dress is still waiting to be fitted properly. We hope to have a big get together when this is all over.

    1. Thank you Kerry. She's a poppet, isn't she. Yes, this year has been brutal, and still no end in sight.
      Glad to hear your daughter got married this week. Sometimes you just have to get on with things and let the world sort itself out later.

  4. Congratulations on your new granddaughter. I’ve heard so many stories of new grandchildren this year, and my heart goes out to all of the grandparents that can’t cuddle their sweet little bundles. I am thankful for the kind of technology that allows us to interact from afar, but it’s just not the same is it? Your gifts are so special. I thought the blanket was a patchwork quilt when I first saw it. And then I looked closer. The colors all combine in such a delightful way. I do hope it won’t be long before you get to hold Emilia.

    1. Thank you Jeanine Marie. We've had some gorgeous photos of Emilia, but no, it's not the same. We will be counting her age in months, not weeks, before we see her.

  5. How wonderful Muv. I hope that the normal, normal will come soon. Emilia is just beautiful and will grow up with lots of treasured home-made sweaters and blankets. Things that she can treasure. I am very happy for you. Take care.

    1. Thank you Andrée. She's a little sweetheart and we can't wait to see her!

  6. Adorable blanket, sweet sweet baby!!



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