Friday, December 11, 2020

A Little Sleeve

Every project gives a bit of entertainment value.  Turning sleeves into towers is a bit of a novelty.  This is the second sleeve for a baby jacket.  The cable is a trick for keeping track of the rows.  Every time I twist the cable, I know that is a row where I need to increase for the sleeve shaping.  Just going round and round in the same direction takes some getting used to.  When I was knitting the first sleeve I made a mistake and ended up undoing about half an inch of knitting.  It took me hours.  It is just as well the satisfaction outweighs the frustration.


  1. That looks quite challenging, although it is nice not to have a seam to sew up when you finish it.

    1. Going round in a circle takes a bit of getting used to, but totally worth it in the end.

  2. Wow, that is going to be precious! Love the yarn. I can't imagine doing a cable on something that small! Merry Christmas! Jan in MA

    1. And a Happy Christmas to you too, Jan! Yes, I love the yarn too, so I got 10 balls!



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