Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Piecing Quilt Tops

Easy piecing is the name of the game at the moment.  This is the third top I have put together in the past couple of weeks, and even though it is simply a central panel framed by strips, it took me ages.  I am seriously out of practice.

I started by fishing out the scooters fabric from the stash.  I have made a quilt before in this fabric in a different colourway, and enjoyed combining all the pinks, greys and browns to make a really girly quilt.  This time I wanted to make a baby boy quilt, and the first day I rummaged around for scraps to match I managed to pull out all the wrong colours.  The solution was to leave it to the next day.  The following morning I decided to use up the very last of some fabrics I have used in the past.  The bold red spots come from a tiny piece of fabric that I cut into two and put on either side of the scooters.  Because I used lots of last scraps, making this top was a fiddly business that stretched over about four days.

Now that I have three tops made, I am tempted to make a couple more before I actually start quilting.  It is a great excuse to just carry on playing with colour before I get down to the serious business of making all the quilt sandwiches.

Also, I am aiming to plant this year's crop of potatoes next week.  My routine at the moment is sewing in the morning, and digging for the last couple of hours in the late afternoon before sunset.  Colourful piecing is ideal therapy before the hard work outside.

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